How to cancel a subscription

Thanks for being a subscriber!

If you've sold the car or wish to cancel this trackers subscription for some reason, we fully support that.

Cancel any Subscription.

  1. login to and
  2. Click on "Add Subscription" button on the left, then select the appropriate "Manage Subscription" link for the subscription you longer wish to renew.
  3. Select the option "Do not Auto Renew"
  4. Select "Save"

Auto Renew Image

Undo a cancellation ?

Changing that back to Auto Renew will resume the subscription and resume charging you annually, as per the agreement. However: If you wait until AFTER a cancelled subscription has ended you will no longer be able to resume. To rectify this, you must contact us to remove the subscription entirely, then setup a new one.

Important note: If you sold your vehicle with the tracker in it, you should immediately cancel your subscription and delete the object from your account. It is very likely that you have a legal obligation to do this before they take possession.