
Current Models

Please navigate to the product you are after, the current manuals & firmware will be attached to that page. Tracking Service Tracking Service

Gator Australia proudly presents our own tracking service, which has support for all Gator trackers, and includes free tracking for every legacy device, feel free to migrate them across.

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Legacy Models

We provide an archive of old manuals, by Model number.

Legacy Tracking

Gator Legacy Trackers

The legacy tracking service, provided free with Gtrack3g and Gtrak4g devices, is still operational, and supported, however, where possible, we recommend you migrate your trackers to our locally hosted custom service instead, which has more features, benefits and security.

GTRACK User Manual - updated

- Device Installation - Location Guide
- Device installation - Wiring Guide
- Installation and setup Checklist

- Using the Legacy App & Legacy Website
- Legacy: Product box contents
- Legacy: Device Configuration
- Legacy: SMS Commands
- Legacy: Troubleshooting Guide

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